I can already tell this week is going to suck dramatically. Except for the bboying and stepping part. Hopefully.

South's homecoming seemed to make new hearts and at the same time break precious hearts. Sad....


I went to bed early last night, thinking I might wake up early and be full of energy. Turns out I'm wrong. I woke up super late and feeling like crap. Missed the bus and had my mom take me to school. She gave me some lecture about how I'm irresponsible like every other time I miss the bus.

Got to school and it was Spanish class. The one of the few classes I actually enjoy. We got our vocab quizzes back and I got a 26/32. But that's going to change to hopefully a 30/32 cause I was suppose to retake the fill in the blank part of the quiz since I studied for the wrong vocab. I was trying to do it earlier, but she was gone because her kids were sick with the swine flu. Anyways, after that we had to take the SCAPE test for SLU. I failed it.

During AcLab, I went to finish my vocab quiz. Hopefully I did well. Then went to Morrison's room cause my lab group members said that we screwed up somewhere on our labs and needed to reprint our graphs. Afterwards, I went bboying with Michael, Edwin, Bryan, and Albert. My handstands are doing better. I need to become more flexible to make my freezes better looking.

Pre-calc was horrible. We spent 30 minutes reviewing and going over homework. Thus, I only had 1 hour to do 6 ghetto problems. The thing is I think super slow! So I only accomplished 4/6. I'm pretty sure the 4 I did are correct. The other 2....they were too long to figure out in 30 seconds. So I gave up. EVERYTIME! Everytime we take a test/quiz in his class, I alwasy run out of time! And I ALWAYS leave something blank. Pisses me off. I'm going to ask him if I can take the test/quiz earlier since I'm a slow test taker.

Orchestra was interesting. So in orchestra I sit between two black girls. And they talked about homecoming. And Bianca had some issues with her lover and such. They went pretty explicit. I wish I wasn't eavesdropping.

I came home, not going to Robotics, cause my stomach and head hurt badly the entire day. My mom comes home and asks why I didn't go to Robotics cause usually when I go to Robotics, I come home after her. Then she gives me another lecture about how I'm irresponsible and lazy in not finding my keys. The thing that pisses me off is that I look for my keys EVERY DARN DAY! And she thinks I just sit there "wishing" the keys would appear. ARGH!

Yeah the pre-calc quiz...not a good way to start my effort in trying to get the car. Definitely not good.



Okay for all of you people that thought I ignored you sinced you IMed me on AIM, I didn't. Someone in my family, not sure who, decided to sign me on while I wasn't using the computer and just left it there. And then I got in trouble for having it open. Stupid.....Sorry guys. I hope you guys don't think I hate you guys.





God, please help me control my anger. Also help me concentrate and get my stuff done faster. I also pray that you let me think faster so I won't screw up on tests. God I also pray for those who are having emotional issues and/or sick physically and/or mentally. I also pray for those who are studying hard that they finish their stuff as fast as they can.


















For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happyness.


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