Problems with bboying...


In English we got to watch a good amount of the Graduate. We got to the part where the main character is seduced by his dad's partner's wife. And then she flashes her nakedness to him 3 times. I seriously believe that this is the most messed up movie ever. I mean the main character is so corny and bad....

The teacher wasn't in for gov. We had a sub.  A real nice sub too. I cut my finger on accident so I went to the nurses. But I had to sign out. A little ghetto rule at South. I came back and then finished working on my gov project. After an hour of return, the sub was like, "Where's Josh?" I told her I was back for a really long time. She just laughed and told me that she was too concentrated with her own homework.

Physics was decently cool. We listened to Morrison give stories and then give a mini lesson. Michael Zhao actually showed enough work for his homework this time. HAHA!

Chem was a relax day. Jauss gave a long lesson, but he let us take a 10 minute break in between his lecture cause he knows it's really hard to concentrate after sitting in a seat for a really long time. I have to retake the quiz that I got 66% on. Jeez I can't believe I did so badly on it.

Stepping was fun today. We started out with a get to know each other thing. We got a index card and then we had to fill out the usual. Name, year in school, birthdate, future plan, clubs involved, and interests.

Joshua Yang

2011 Junior

April **

I don't know what I want to be, but I'll be whatever God wants me to be. (This was the funniest part cause right when I said that all the people were like AMEN!, AMEN BROTHER!, YEAH!, etc)

NHS, Key Club, Spanish Club, Environmental Club, Robotics, Hip Hop Dance Club, Quiz Bowl, Step Team

Playing the piano, cleaning, taking long walks on the beach during the summer, popping (dancing)

Anyways, I do believe our team captain is gay, who's a really fat black dude that acts really girly. He thinks he has boobs and etc. Anyways, his future plan was to become an OBGYN. Don't look that up if you don't know what it is. (It's a vagina doctor). Either he's gay or really perverted.

Then we began stepping. We're learning some new African dance. Totally not my style. I probably am the only one that doesn't fit with the rest cause I don't know how to move like a black person.

Crud...this time for Chem I have 120+ problems to do for this unit. Thankfully we just started the unit so if I don't procrastinate it all, it won't be so bad.

Tomorrow is PSAT. There's no heckin way I'm going to get the Merit Scholarship or whatever. Hope the rest of you guys that are taking it will do a hecka lot better than me!

Also Alice might be taking her permit. GO ALICE! You can do it!

Bboying is becoming a problem for me. It's making my triceps big. I don't like big triceps. They look ugly. I just want pecs and abs. I wish you can shave off muscle. Not literally, but I wish there was a way where you can work out your pecs without working out your triceps. Whatever...I'll just work on whatever is necessary to bboy well.



God, please let me use my time wisely. I pray that I can prepare well for SAT and ACT. God, thank you for the stepping family. God I also pray for those who are sick and recovering like Shawn's dad. I also pray for those who are studying hard that they do well on their tests! God, I also give thanks for answering my dad's prayer. Hopefully he'll have a plan and time to go to China.













The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium.

^Don't exactly understand this one, but I don't think I may agree with this one but it seems interesting^


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