Some sex stuff related here. Just a warning.

You might think differently of me. Who knows?

Sunday school was different. We talked about masturbation and sex. So we learned that God made sex so that you can build a strong, deep, intimate relationship with your spouse and......crap! I forgot t he rest! This is not good. It was something about not being.........crud.....My head is so fuzzy. Masturbation is bad cause it causes the wrong idea of what real sex is, it's like selfish sex. You only satisfy yourself and then your mind begins to think that this is what real sex is like. In other words, masturbation makes you really bad in bed, is what Cris said. Haha. Cris also asked if anyone masturbated that was in the classroom. Not going to say who raised their hands, but I did. I'm not going to lie. Yes I am a pervert and I used to masturbate. But that's awhile ago and it's over now. If you think differently of me now, that's chill. I understand. No one wants to hang out with creepy perverts. I'm going to make my life more open now. No more secrets or anything. Make myself more closer to God now and less secretive towards him and others even though God knows everything.

No pictures taken today =( Sorry guys.

At Chinese school, I was trying to work on my freezes and this one lady I knew asked me:

Are you trying to bboy?


Are you trying to breakdance?'d you know?

Well you're trying to do one handed hand stands and trying to hold your foot with your other hand.

Dang you're good.

I don't know much about breakdancing.

You're pretty good to know that much.

Yeah me and that lady are pretty close, but I didn't know she knew about bboying. Anyways, class started and everyone seemed to be in a bad mood. Why is everyone in a bad mood this weekend? Is it something I did or my horrible aura and vibe? I think I'll just avoid everyone for now and just hang out with my black homies. Maybe they might hate my presence too. Crud...

We went home cause my sister is sick. I don't get it. I walked outside with a t-shirt and she was wearing a wind-proof jacket and she was the one that got sick. That's messed up.






God, please let me prepare well for SAT and ACT. Please help those around me. They seem mad about something and I have no clue what it is. Please let them get the problem resolved before something bad happens. God, let me become free from distractions. God I also pray that you'll help those who are studying hard for tests. Let them do well. THANKS!



























The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe

^I don't completely agree with that quote, but it seems interesting^



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