
Argh so much to do in little time!



I had a calc quiz today.

I was totally prepared for it.

But I guess I'm a slow test taker cause when the teacher said there was 5 minutes left I only finished 3/4 of the problems....

I ended up not doing 2 problems....I suck!

Now I'm definitely not going to get a H in calc.


Then after the quiz we went over homework and got a mini lesson.

I didn't pay attention much.

I wasn't happy with what had happened with the quiz and what not.


I guess I'll just be happy if I end higher than a 70% which I highly doubt.... =(


AP Literature teacher wasn't here today.

I walked in and Tessa was like Hey! We match.

I was like we do?

She said we were wearing sweaters.

OH was like ohh....

And then she was like we matched yesterday too! We both wore pink!

And I was like oh...I didn't notice that.


We had some ghetto sub that decided to have that Hindi stuff on her hand.

It looked really ugly.

Usually they look pretty cool, but since she was white she didn't have very good taste.

All we did in class was just write about these excerpts from the Grapes of Wrath.

We had to prove that Rodriguez was talking about the loser in America.

And then we had to prove that Rodriguez was NOT talking about the losers in America.

So stupid...

I decided to write in cursive.

My cursive is so ugly though...

And we were supposed to write more than a page but I only wrote barely a page...

But I had weird paper so I hope the teacher gives me full credit.

Class was basically pretty boring.


AP Chem...I'm going to die.

Because we had no school on Tuesday due to electricity problem we basically missed all of our Red day classes.

And our teacher is strict about schedules so we have a frick load of stuff to catch up.

Next class we have to finish 2 labs, a practice test, half reaction worksheets, and at least 50+ pages of reading...


I'm so stressed out by this class.

And the worst part is I don't understand some of the stuff...

Mann I'm not doing good.

I guess this week isn't my lucky week.

I was half paying attention in that class.

I was busy stressing out and figuring out how to better organize my time on the weekend.

I wanna just start over and not slack off....

I hate slacking off now.


Lunch was interesting.

Albert was telling me how I should get a girl for homecoming.

And I said I was going to take Lily but he said that was cheating.

I said how?

He said I didn't work to get a girl.

I asked if this was some kind of game?

And he said yes...

Then he said I should get a girl I would potentially date...

And then we got this white girl to explain/convince me that homecoming is sort of meant to get a date or something...

It was weird.

Then Albert was trying to convince Bryan and Kevin to get girls for homecoming.

And saying how it was their chance to grind a girl, get some arse, and touch a girl's butt...

Horrible reasons I must say.

Albert even tried hooking Kevin and Wendy up but it didn't really work out.

I asked him who he was going to take.

He said he couldn't cause he wants to be with his CA girl forever.

I told him that homecoming wasn't even that important and he said he guess and that he'll maybe find a girl.

So me and Albert have agreed that Bryan is obsessed with this Filipino girl.

The girl that I introduced to the crew so that she can learn to breakdance.

She actually is learning so fast!

In a week she's learned what i learned in 3 weeks...

Anyways Bryan wants her haha.


AP Bio....

I lost all my stuff for that class.

Don't know how.

Teacher was nice enough to give me the weekend to do my practice test.

And then we talked a whole bunch about organic stuff.

I didn't pay attention much.

Just drifted a lot.

Drank coffee and pissed a lot.

The people at my table were falling asleep too.

But luckily I didn't fall asleep.

I tried doing homework while the teacher was lecturing but that didn't work out too well.


When I was talking to Clint (the cute Korean kid that looks like a baby version of Taemin..sort of) and Junsun (best bboy at our school) I saw Nikky, the foreign exchange student from Hong Kong.

I said Hey Nikky.

He said how I knew his name.

I said I just know people...

And then he asked if I spoke Cantonese.

I said no but I speak Mandarin.

He tried speaking Mandarin to me except he has that really hard Cantonese accent.

So I tried to use really bad grammer so that he could understand.

He wanted to know where he could find what bus he was supposed to ride.

I said I could help him cause I had no idea where to find out.

Sucks for the kid cause he came late and so he's stuck with this host family that's hosting another person.

And Nikky needs a host family.

But the rule is it has to be a white family so that he can improve his English...

So ghetto.

He has style.

Like he dresses a whole lot better than me.

And has the asian fobby long hair stuff.

Pretty stylish.

I like that dude.

I'm going to try and get him to dance with us lol. head is literally throbbing now.

I wanna get some legit rest or something so that my head doesn't feel so stuffy.

I hope that there isn't people watching us session tomorrow.

Yesterday in AcLab when we sessioned, about 10 white girls just decided to sit there, waste their aclab and watch us dance.

It felt so awkward.

It was like a zoo.

Us bboys were the animals while the white chicks were the tourists.

And then we decided to all get shirtless to try and scare them.

Albert and Michael were the only ones that actually took off their shirts and swung it around like it was some party.

But that didn't do anything to them.

Jeeez if they come, we're going to kick them out haha!

Tomorrow is an easy day so I think I'll do lots of homework and studying in my classes without getting caught.

Cause my teachers are mean when they catch students doing other homework.


Well homework time now.


I hope I get lots done today so that I can go to our school's youth group thing.

It's supposed to be at some person's house but I haven't found the address yet.

I really wanna go and see.


Why is that all the 'stupid' people have already done their college apps and got accepted already?

I feel so "stupid" for not even start to work on it.

Well most of the 'smart' people at my school are still deciding, but still.

I should procrastinate stuff this important.

College...probably going to go to some ghetto school.

Most likely a community college or something.

I regret my acedemic part of high school.

I really wish I actually studied for my tests.

Never in high school have I legitly studied for a test.

I only look/skim over the textbook briefly and just lie to myself thinking I already got it.

And then in the morning I just freak/stress out.

Quickly scan over my crappy notes or just look at stuff in the textbook, only to completely forget it all when actually taking the test.

Sigh....I don't think this is what God wants me to be doing.


People ask me why I wanna get good grades when it's senior year.

I know that colleges don't look at senior grades too harshly since they don't really see it when you send an application.

They only look at your grades after you graduate to make sure you didn't fail.

I wanna get good grades for self satisfaction.

I want to get good grades to half redeem myself for the failing career I've had in high school.


Come on BRAIN!

Just last for and hour and a half.



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